Depuis 1952, la principale mission du Centre Technique Interprofessionnel de la Canne et du Sucre de La Réunion est d’assurer la déterminination de la richesse en sucre des cannes livrées par les planteurs par les 2 880 planteurs aux deux usines de l’Ile.


La campagne sucrière de 2020 a démarré le 6 juillet dans le Nord et l’Est et le 15 juillet dans le Sud et l’Ouest.

Comment ça marche ?

Le CTICS, une mission d’expertise et de neutralité avec un fonctionnement 100% paritaire

of the campaign


See the results of this year’s sugar harvest on your computer, tablet or phone:

Everyone can access the campaign results for each centre
Growers can access their personal results in a members-only section (sugar content, tonnage, purity, fibre, etc.)

    Expertise and fairness

    The Centre Technique Interprofessionnel de la Canne et du Sucre (Cane and Sugar Interprofessional Technical Centre, known as CTICS) is a public interest organisation that measures the sugar content of sugar cane grown in Reunion Island.

    The French State grants public interest status to a private entity if it is within the latter’s remit to provide an essential service to beneficiaries.

    This status ensures that services performed are for the benefit of all, without discrimination.

    Our neutrality is essential

    Professionalism, accuracy, and reliability are at the very core of our work, which can be summarised as follows :

    Measurement of the sugar content in the cane brought to the mill, thus determining a grower’s future income. These analyses are carried out in our state-of-the-art laboratories all over Reunion Island.

    We operate on the basis of fully equal representation.


    The Centre Technique Interprofessionnel de la Canne et du Sucre (Cane and Sugar Interprofessional Technical Centre, known as CTICS) is a public interest organisation that measures the sugar content of sugar cane grown in Reunion Island.

    The French State grants public interest status to a private entity if it is within the latter’s remit to provide an essential service to beneficiaries.

    This status ensures that services performed are for the benefit of all, without discrimination.


    Download CTICS documents

    Harvesting season guidelines

    Harvesting season report

    Information booklet about measuring sugar content


    Please send us any questions, comments or suggestions using the form below.

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